Author Archives for Patrick McGough

How we calculate key financial planning assumptions

While we don’t believe that anyone can reliably predict short-term market returns or inflation, and we would never use such forecasts to drive our investment decisions, good financial planning requires us to project our clients’ net worth over time[1], and that requires us to make assumptions about long-term investment returns and inflation. 


Tax loss harvesting – how, when, and why we do it

Tax loss harvesting (TLH) refers to selling investments that are worth less than their original purchase price in order to realize (or “harvest”) the capital loss.  The realized losses can be used to offset certain income[1], resulting in a lower tax bill. 


Charitable Giving – You’re (Probably) Doing it Wrong

If you make all of your charitable donations using your credit card, you are almost certainly leaving money on the table. Whenever possible, you should donate appreciated securities, typically stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs that have increased in value since you purchased them (and that you have held for at least a year). 


Lessons for the Next Stock Market Crisis

We recently came across two charts that provide valuable lessons from past stock market crashes.


Geometric releases mobile client portal

Geometric Wealth Advisors’ client portal is now available as a mobile app for Apple and Android devices.