The Geometric Blog

John Oliver’s brilliant segment on investing

It’s not often that the media makes any mention of the low-cost, transparent investment philosophy that we care so deeply about. Which isn’t surprising, because it’s boring.


Patrick S. McGough joins Geometric Wealth Advisors

When we launched Geometric, we made a commitment to only hire advisors who are as bright and capable as our clients.  Given the professional and academic achievements of our clients, we are intentionally creating a very high hurdle.  We believe that’s part of what sets us apart.


Why we prefer Dimensional to Vanguard (in most cases)

As a longtime passive investing geek, there is no company I hold in higher regard than Vanguard, and no businessperson I admire more than its founder John Bogle.  A handwritten note from Mr. Bogle is framed above my desk.  I am a proud “Boglehead.”


Why we built Geometric Wealth Advisors

If you’re reading this, some or all of the following likely describe you: